Wednesday, July 11, 2007

you turn my broken smiles around.

he went to the hospital.
tripped while he was running
and landed smack on a goalpost. (haha!)
he fractured his beautiful arm.
and needs to wear a beautiful cast which
i decorated with hearts & rainbows & flowers. ((:
he's angry for making him look like a sissy. lol!
but he loves me for that.

stoopid umyrah,took
up the centre of the cast. so its like a big flashing,
screaming:UMYRAH!! in the middle. grrr.
i wrote in red just below her,but i cant seem
to make mine more obvious than her. i mean,heyy!
where's the special VIP girlfriend of jiv treatment?

he finally,FINALLY had top-up his pp8 so yeayy.
he;s playing with hiss crapshytt comp & so he msg me
like,his eyes still glued to the comp. i know,i can feel it.
oh heck care lorhh.

we then went mac to meet martin. he gives me
the shivers like kris gives me the creepies. brrr.
he kept staring. seriously,he doesnt know how
to be,ermm,more unoticeable? jiv kept giving
me his ohsohawtt glances. yummy. played:
"feet under the table". wehooo. hawthawthawt.
but the goodbye is kind of spontaneous,which i hate
but he did say those 3 words so it aint a biggie. (:


i realised everything's about YOU.

sweaty palms and feet?
never mind.
to me,you're perfect.

Monday, July 9, 2007

~eiffel im in love.


Thursday, July 5, 2007

butterflies in my stomache. undescribable happiness. *grins*

omg omg omg omg omg omg omg
omg omg omg omg omg omg omg
omg omg omg omg omg omg omg
omg omg omg omg omg omg omg
omg omg omg omg omg omg omfg!

im just way too giddy.
im trying to imagine
the time we'll have. ((=
together. me & jiv.


Wednesday, July 4, 2007

you know im doing this all for you.

today sucks but it doesnt suck that bad.
its a sucky but hilarious day.
i've never laughed that bad before
all month,man.& the funny things kept crashing
down,one after another. GAWD. i can die of
muscle cramps from laughing too much.
the 1st part is when me & rash we're like: "ape?
nk carik psl kepe? sini ah,sini ah! " kind of thing.
then i grinned and said: "ape? ape? paddlepop ah!"
and we just cracked up. & shana was like: " tibe2 paddlepop! "
well. its friggin funny,believe me. if you were there to
see it for yourself.

what makes my day super sucky is,maths. why of course!
one of the rare things that made me all 'emo-ish'.
mrs tan is really,really torturing my life.
stop picking on me wouldcha?

*sighs* im a stupid,idiotic lovesick puppy.
i'll wait. i'll smile. & pretend im not tired of it.
because love is about sacrifices. & really,i will
sacrifice. and i'll stretch limits if i have to. i'll try. (:
seriously,from now on i'll stay true. and for the
first time,im contented with what i have right now.

today we have dumb enrichment classes.
& dumber science wkshop. i slept at the beginning :p
and they aint notice. & i got drool all over my wkbook. haahhs!
its dang boring (like all enrichment classes.) & the teachers
are weird and lame. one teacher has a humongous butt
area,and another likes to laugh for no particular reason.
so,welcome to the RETARD club ptd.

and because of the MF-in enrich. class,i cant go back with
rj. dang dang. but its okay! there's tomorrow! ^ ^
i've never lost hope really in this 'ILY!' charade thing.


Tuesday, July 3, 2007


i'd die if he doesnt give out the answer soon.
i'll pain & hurt throughout.
i'll murder anyone who tries to steal him away.

*whatever it takes.

in distress.

Monday, July 2, 2007

let's try and use colours!

*past post.
cant seem to complete it
on time. so here we go.

tomorrow's school.
& there's no maths!
will do graph hw at li's maybe.
if parents let me. *sighs*
oohh. ILY,ILY. :))

i didnt expect it to be fun.
& i didnt expect it to be not fun either.
so i guess i got my predictions correct
-for once. hahs.

i sat with danah at the bus.
we're noisy at first,with the
whole batch of 2ea behind.
& wyn with his utterly unbelievable
jokes which made us crack anyway.
but then maybe we're all out
of them jokes or something so we kept
quiet and just sat with our butts planted firmly
on our seats. i wanted to borrow someone's
ipod but (suprise,suprise) theyre using it.
so i just half slept and half looked outside the window.

i didnt quite know what happened next but the nest

thing i knew,the class is whoopy again. now,

i really looked at the view. singapore's a typical island.

the usual things we could find. its more,manmade.
like,its not there at first but somebody from
the government built it,kind of like that.
we finally reached the place near zouk.
we walked there. typical typical typical!
the place is packed with sweaty people.
its really loud,with trumpeting and drumming
and cheers infront of zouk. i didnt even know it

was zouk coz it lookes soo..small.
me & danah walked around. we were seperated
from the rest and we didnt realise it at first.
but heck care. we walked around,che-che-checkin it out.
hot,humid and lame. DJs-dan & yang from 987fm were jabbering but
i cant see them. its irritating. them screeching,and we not seeing them.
& the food there is so expensive,you wouldnt believe it.
we went in and out the same hotel three times. just for the toilet.
we dont have anywhere else to go.

the run is auite tiring but not
torturing coz we didnt run. me,shana & desi
walked 4km so its no big deal. we checked out the sights.
the city part of singapore is soo cool. :D chic.
like they have their own themes. one is like,eclectic funky.
imagine: brightly coloured furniture. contrasting but cool.
& bali-like resort kind of theme. imagine: calm atmosphere,
mother nature and those kind of tribal statues. my dig
is the posh,western kind. imagine: french cafes.

after the run,we got free drinks that are SO not
refreshing coz theyre not cold. i despise drinks that
are supposed to be ice cold but are served lukewarm. really. gets on my nerves.
shaun got 1st,ashe predicted. & as i expected. duh! its NON-competetive
you idiootss. no wonder he got 1st. bleahbleah.

we got goodiebags! haha. i am the normal kiasu. :)
its kinda lame lah. there's instant oatmeal (really.)
& milk and wheat crackers, health freak stuff.
but i like the $50 jean yip discount voucher. means
i can straighten!! yeayyy.

we went home. at last. im practically
scorching under the merciless "Mr. Sun".
we were beat;but still chatty.
milkrun sucks.